
Wonder Woman

For a second there I thought about making the title be "Wonder WoMAN" and posting only the futa version. 


commision: Frustrations

Bigger version



sketch: Wonder Woman

I am not quite done with DC babes yet! 

This one is weird for me because I never really gave a fuck about Wonder Woman. Not a fan. I don't dislike her, I just never read or watched anything with her as the pratagonist. I was doing a quick pose study from a photo and I've gotten the idea to make it into a WW piece. Turned out pretty good. 

I Will most likely color this... and do a futa version :3


Harley Quinn

I don't have an idea for the title. Weird. 

Commision: Emily and Marina

Many versions ahead!



Sketch #8: Harley Quinn

She's crrrazy!


Comic #1: Another little preview


Somebody asked me in the comments if I was going to sell this comic. Nope. It's just a one page thing I am doing for fun and practice.