Prismgirls.com Grand Opening
Prismgirls.com is an adult comic paysite containing sexy, hilarious, devious fan-focused content from popular culture as well as original artistic content from amazing artists you’ve come to love!
Each month will have a Feature Comic that will run daily for the majority of the month. Shorter side comics will also play to support the main comic and flesh out the month.
Supporting Prismgirls with a membership allows contributing artists to focus on stories and comics in a creative community-driven environment.
How is PrismGirls Different?
√ Profit sharing with Artists. New membership sales each month provide a bonus for that month’s Featured Artist. Supporting Prismgirls supports your favorite artist!
√ You will be able to read featured comics on the front page of Prismgirls. Adult content visibility will be limited, but story and dialogue will remain legible.
√ Printed Compilations, 3-4 times a year.
√ Story\Comic book focus.
√ Community features like comments, tagging and more!
What can we look forward to?
High resolution images, 5 days a week (Mon-Friday); As support increase we will increase updates, print books, Figurines… Games!
Upcoming Comics featuring the following Artists:
and more!
Prismgirls is offering a limited time first month introductory rate of $7.99 USD!
Help us make Prismgirls Great!
-=-=-=-=-=now a word from InCase-=-=-=-=
Long story short I am drawing a short comic (4-5 pages) Adventure Time themed comic for them in september, and longer one (16-20) in december.
Because I am a lazy cunt I just copied the promotional speech from Doxy's tumblr. Here's what I think about it. I don't like paysites in generall. I think it's a business model that's awkward for both artist and the client. On more than one occasion I said that I am not gonna create my own paysite ever. I also thought I'll never work for a paysite again. I was pretty sure of that.
But frankly, I like what PrismGirls is trying to to enough, that I want to be a part of it. Frequent updates with quality content, and totall freedom for the artist made me reconsider my stance on paysites.
Plus I am feeling excited working with a couple of artists I really admire.
If you read this announcment, and are now gearing up to write what a sellout I am/how I am betraying the trust/I have a duty to my fans etc., go suck a dick. And not in a good way.
I am still drawing commissions, and free stuff. This is only gonna take a portion of my time.
I understand. An artist has to make a living. I'll just have to see how this goes first before I can say what I think about it.
ReplyDeleteThough, the current artist selection looks really good and there seems to be a direction of what the site will be doing. So might be worth a look.
Thanks for the support :*
DeleteI am also not quite sure how this site plays out. I think there is a promise of something good, but if it stinks I am out of there in a second.
Good for you. Make yourself some money. And I always thought you should focus on comics.
ReplyDeleteThat's partially why I am doing this. It gives me the opportunity to draw comics for money. Comic commissions are fine, but I want to draw my own stuff.
DeleteGood stuff man, no reason an artist shouldn't be profiting from their work. Keep up the amazing job.
ReplyDeleteI am still going to pirate all the stuff getting released on that "pay"site, so I don't mind it at all,,,
ReplyDeleteThat's understandable. What I don't understand is why you put the pay in paysite in quotation marks. That's just dumb.
DeleteIt's my funny way to indicate that I'm not going to pay :)
DeleteHah, I get that, I just thought that it wasn't a well constructed joke :P
Deleteyeah I'll admit, I'm no comedian.....
DeleteI love you Incase. I'll certainly be paying (at least for this month) just to see how it pans out. I'm not fond of paysites.
DeleteWell good luck with that, wanted to see more comics from you anyhow and if a paysite is how they are going to happen then so be it. Not that I have the spare cash to use it, I'll just have to wait till someone puts them up on e-hentai or something.
ReplyDeleteINC YOU SELL OUT BIYAAAAAAATCH............... I love you and I hope you profit from that site. That you have finally a reason to do more comics is just great they were always the best faps. Sad is while writing this I noticed i do not have the option to use any of the payment services. Do you know if something like PayPal will be avaiable any time soon? -EatDaPooPoo
ReplyDeleteP.s: My highscore on masturbating is 17 times a day in a 6 hour session what is yours?
It's okay, IC. We understand. You have to fund that vegetable rehabilitation therapy program somehow.
ReplyDeleteYou just... *sniffle* You just focus on being you!
OK, but this is great because the more money you get means the more time you'll have to draw awesome stuff! And more InCase comics for the world to see? Who is really losing anything here? :D
ReplyDeleteYou'll still livestream too, right? Not necessarily your paysite works but other things.
I am gonna stream everything. Even working on these comics.
Deleteyou shouldn't feel like your selling out its sounds like prism girls is not a adult orientated site and it seems like you enjoy drawing stuff that's on this site so its the same but now you can write a story instead of lets ram this pussy/ass full of dicks.
ReplyDeleteI'm reserving judgment for the moment.
ReplyDeleteBut I would like to ask, as someone who's a big fan of chicks WITHOUT dicks (ooh, deviant!), how likely am I to enjoy this website? Speaking only for your own contribution plans, of course.
Most of the comics that are being prepared for the site are about girls without dicks. The first short comic I am making will be about futas, after that I am not sure. Can't promise you dickless women
DeleteHm. Disappointing, but not unexpected. Why, oh why, do the the great ones always seem to go for the cock? ;P
Delete(Seriously, though. First Dmitrys, now you... I can't help but wonder who'll be next...)
I suppose I'll just have to go the piracy route and hope for the occasional pleasant surprise, then.
Melodramatic much? The majority of porn artists aren't drawing futa I assure you.
DeleteAs you're still gonna stream everything i dont see a problem with it since i'm always parked there :) I hope you make some good moneyz on there! Still waiting for slots though >:3
I can't say I'm happy about this from my end because I fear it will mean a dwindling of awesome art from you, InCase. BUT!!! I am extremely happy for you because this will lead to many more opportunities and income! Even though it might mean less awesome stuff for us, I'm still cheering for you in this. :p
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome. I'm really interested in the comic you'll be doing for that website, but I really, really can't afford to subscribe to anything right now. I'm sure you understand. With that said, have you thought of maybe releasing what you do for the paysite here also, once a certain time has passed? So then it's like if you subscribe you'll get it a month (or however long, a year even) sooner than you would if you didn't
ReplyDeleteHopping on the pirate train.
ReplyDeleteIncase We Trust, hope it turns out to be a good experience for you and those you work with. also hope ya get paid like a mofo for this ;D best wishes <3
ReplyDeleteThat sounds kinda cool. And quite a nice list of artists.
ReplyDeleteHope you have fun with it. An make a bit of spare cash as well. ^-^
The Printed Compilations an games have me intrigued.
Can't wait to hear more. <3
You don't have to account to us. This is your decision.
ReplyDeleteActually I was wondering when this was gonna happen. I've been following your blog for over a Year now, and I always felt like it was too good to be true. One of the Top Hentai and Futa-Artists on the Internet sharing his Artwork for free - I knew it couldn't go on like this forever :) And you have all right to do so. Great Artists have to live off something, or there wouldn't be any Art at all.
This sounds like a really sweet deal InCase, full steam ahead! Looking at that list of artists, I'd sign up for that in a heartbeat (where to do throw my money?), with you on the list, that makes things all the better, in fact I hope that your wok with the site goes beyond the two planned comics.
ReplyDeleteI can't say I can justify sending cash to a shady porn sight like that. I really, really hope it works out for you, but I am sad that you'll be setting aside your public work for this.
ReplyDeleteHey incase is there any way for me to get the comics you do for the site directly from yourself for a fee or some things?
ReplyDeleteTbh I'd rather send you money than share it with artists that I may not like if you know what I mean
O and I completely support you doing this BTW your art is awesome and if you can make a living off of it I say why not!
Deleteill have to wait and see. i've always found that paysites
ReplyDeletewith multiple artists aren't worth the money. its always
1 or 2 really great artist that is shown on the ads and
then a few middle of the road ones along for the ride.
i prefer buying/paying directly for a set or for a single
artists paysite then a mix of them.
Hah, I literally just went to the site to see who the cute pink haired girl was.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a sellout, you are betraying my trust between you and your clients and you have a duty to your fans.
ReplyDeleteMore seriously though, I'm just excited that you'll draw more Adventure Time. I've always wanted to commision you to do something like that, but I wasn't sure how, so this is just as good to me.
Good for you InCase, seems like a pretty decent site to ease into and looks promising. I hope you get out of it what you're looking for.
ReplyDeleteProps for the "go suck a dick" response. I wish more internet entertainers/providers would take that mentality. People need to understand that we aren't entitled to jack shit from you or anyone else and you can do as you please.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I've no interest in Adventure Time. Nor does this subtract from the work Incase already does. Thus, whatever man, not like it's going to affect anyone here. Given he'll still do free stuff as well as commissions etc. Only difference would be he'd actually get money from a paysite. So it's kinda a win for him, and nothing really changes for us.
ReplyDeleteincase, your hard work in the quest to better your skill and technique is commendable. Aside from the super sexy art (muahahaa!), I really appreciate all the quick sketches you post. If a time comes when you decide to work full-time for a paysite, I hope you'll at least continue to post up your "practice" stuff here. It's really cool and inspiring. Best of luck, dude.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I freakin love this 7 deadly sins theme. Signs of the Zodiac has been done by a ton of artists, so maybe that wouldn't interest you. But these sorts of multi-part projects are a lot of fun. I hope you'll do another similar project after the 7 deadly sins.