Hi there! As you might have noticed, I've been taking a break these past two weeks. Well, not really. I've been doing everything like usuall: drawing commissions, doing studies and doodling sht. I just haven't been posting any of it here. I needed to rethink some stuff about this blog, especially 'dailies'/'irregularlies'. Doing them has been really burning me out lately. I realised that I've been doing them more and more, because 'hey, I've gotta post stuff today', than to actually gain someting from them. That sort of attitude is at the same time tiring and ineffectual. I should be doing studies to get better, not to have something interesting to show you. And that's what I've been doing these past two weeks. It's been aaawesoomeee.
At first I thought that I'll just take a break and go back to updating this blog as often as I can, but that's no good. I can't do it. I am burned out, at least for now. Maybe I'll start dailies again in a couple of months but for now I am finished. It doesn't mean that I won't be posting studies, drawings and other stuff here. I just won't do that on a day to day basis. I think weekly content dumps and updates will be better for now. There's also gonna be rather frequent updates when I start drawing the next comic.
Also sorry that I didn't post anything about my absence before. It might sound stupid but if I write a blognote saying that I am taking a break, it doesn't feel like a break to me. It's just me, not posting stuff.
(this one is pretty poor tho)
I've don't have a lot to show here. I've done a lot of stuff that either doesn't look interesting (learning perspective), or is too weird to show. I've been experimenting with my style a lot. That's one of the reasons I want to give myself some space. Sometimes I want to try someting out for a couple of days, just to drop it later and never look back. Doing that while being watched is hard.
Stuff that I can show:
Welp, that's not a lot.
That dickgirl teacher and trap comic is still on. I've been figuring out character designs, and writing the script. I don't have anything for you right now, tho. It's all still pretty sketchy
Some fun facts about the comic, that I am almost sure of:
-It's not gonna be one long story, but rather a couple of 2-4 page shorts about them living together,
-The first short is gonna be in black and white, dunno about the others,
-I want to start drawing it somewhere in december,
Pretty much every picture that I promised I am gonna draw before my break is most likely never gonna happen. I tried finishing that Teacher/trap picture but I can't do it. I really, really don't like how it's coming out, and I don't think I can turn back now. As it looks right now I'd be embarassed to post it anywhere, and I'd sooner bite off my own balls than start it from scratch. Sometimes images don't work out and you have to put them down. them. This is such time.
Now, let the whining commence!